刺客联盟 漫画中文版 跪求!!!!!!!! 漫画啊

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    我放狗狗去找了下,很遗憾,没有在线,没有汉化。1.没有在线的证据,从yahoo answers来的:
    the wanted comic?anyone know a site that will let me read the"wanted"comic online for free?best answer-chosen by voters
    i think you are referring to the wanted comic that was written by mark millar?that's the one that ** being made into a movie coming out on friday.unfortunately,th** one ** not **ailable online.it's a shame **n't it?it ** such an amazing comic.i know that you can get a copy at most barnes and noble or borders stores,that ** where i got the graphic novel from a while ago.i wouldn't doubt that they still carry them,especially with the movie coming out soon.sorry that you couldn't get it,but check the stores,it's definitely worth the read before the movie(which looks very different but amazing in its own way).

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